Through his well-known songs (Le Deserteur, J’suis snob, etc.) and his lesser-known and unpublished songs (I’m dreaming, Don’t you marry girls), DEBOUT SUR LE ZINC reveals how Boris Vian’s songs impact our time and our ear nowadays.
Texts of the show are taken from Boris Vian’s books and unpublished documents made available by Françoise CANETTI, publisher and daughter of Jacques CANETTI, Boris VIAN’s friend and
musical producer between 1953 and 1958.
Such as this unpublished text where Boris Vian describes himself as a beginner singer on the famous Trois Baudets theatre stage.
As you probably guessed, this musical show takes us in the footsteps of BORIS VIAN. Of this man who through his songs reveals the questions everyone might ask himself. Of how he evolves as a human being.
How he looks for himself, wether he finds his answer or not. How he pursues his dreams. How he survives love. How he tames this old age that he knows he will never get to. And the sad observation that death is definitely humorless since it cannot stand repetition.
Debout Sur Le Zinc, not 4 boys, but “6 boys in the wind” paying tribute to Boris VIAN !
But should we summarize the show to a tribute to the author of Froth on the daydream when we discover the songs also benefit from subtle arrangements, original compositions, unforeseen transitions in the service of a lively and stirring staging.
Their multiple talents as instrumentalists transpose the universe of Boris VIAN who himself nourishes the soul and originality of this orchestra.
These boys have definitely have VIAN under their skins and I advise you “not to die” without having seen their show even if you are a “snob”!
Agent and director of Boris VIAN’s heritage
Double bass
« I have always been impressed by the multiple talents of Boris Vian and by the “whimsical” side of his writing. I’m also a big fan of jazz; It’s a real challenge for us to reappropriate his songs, to transmit them to a new audience. And challenges always make individuals… like bands, grow. »
« I knew Boris Vian since I was a teenager, but now I feel like I understand him. His humanism and extreme modernity touch me. All you have to do is listen to his songs which resonate whith our media; they talk
about freedom, modern life, the condition of women…»
Drums, Percussion, Xylophone
« Today I discover and rediscover the immense repertoire of Boris Vian thanks to this show and this record. In addition to these incredibly powerful texts, the music “fits” perfectly with the musical universe of Debout sur le Zinc… What pride it is to contribute to perpetuating the work of Boris VIAN… »
Vocals, Violin, Trumpet, Guitar
« To interpret Boris VIAN’s songs is to swim in his thoughts, to taste his tensions, to approach his panoramic vision of the world and to indulge in the delight of imposture: it is to believe for a moment that we are inventing, that we make fun of, that we
love, like him. It’s a chance that rarely presents itself. Thank you Boris. »
Vocals, Clarinet, Guitars
« Boris Vian is often tragic, never sad. Playing his music brings upon me this jubilation, this excitement that we feel at any age in front of a work imbued with so much freedom. »
Banjo, Mandoline
« My first encounter with Vian dates back to childhood ! On Wednesdays the music my mother listened to flooded the house; BREL, BRASSENS and FERRÉ. But also a tape… with West Side Story on one side and on the other, the masterpieces performed by REGGIANI, some of which were written by VIAN. »
« All the songs that DEBOUT SUR LE ZINC chose were written by Boris between 1951 and 1958; At a time when France was rebuilding
itself and finding a new compass. At the time, some were censored like “The Deserter”, before becoming a hymn to Peace recognized
in all countries of the world. Others such as “Don’t marry girls” written in 1957 denounces the vulgarity of certain men and announces
the MeToo movement through marital rape. Others remained in Boris VIAN’s drawers, such as “It’s late”, “We have dreams”, “I want
you”; among the unreleased tracks on the album…
DEBOUT SUR LE ZINC chose to lend its voice to Boris VIAN and allow his songs to enter our lives.
Françoise CANETTI
Director of Jacques CANETTI Publishing and Productions